
The centre parts of WIA-Loaders configuration are import profiles.
They specify where the pictures are transferred to, if they are renamed or if they
will be linked (geocoded, geotagged) with GPS data.

Each import profile consists of several steps. There's always one transfer and one save-as step. Besides that, you can add a variety of other steps to customize the import.

Steps are edited with these controls:

Steps can be reordered, added or deleted. You also have the possibility to configure a filter and conditions specifying on which files a step is applied or not.


This step for example will only be executed for files of type .CRW where the name starts with STR_ or STL_ . The '*' is a placeholder for a arbitrary string.

The following steps are available:


This step transfers the picture from the camera or flash card to your pc. Only a file type filter can be configure here.


This step saves your pictures on your harddisc.

Here you choose the target directory for your pictures. You can also specify if and how subfolders should be created or if your images should be renamed. A summary of the variables that can be used for naming folders and images can be found here.

Rotate picture

New from version on is a import step to rotate pictures. This replaces the former 'Automatically rotate pictures' setting. You can choose to rotate your pictures by EXIF field 'Orientation' (Field no. 274) so the picture will be upright, or you can choose to rotate the picture clockwise by a given value. The option to rotate by a free value is disabled right now.

Resize picture

This step allows you to resize your pictures during import. You can choose to scale all pictures by a percental value or to specify a fixed width and/or height. Using a fixed width or height only keeps the aspect ratio of your images. Using both will change the ratio according to the specified sizes.


An easy way to tag your imported images is to use a keyword for the image or folder names.

If 'Remember values' is active, keywords you've used will be remembered and can be reused for later imports. When 'keep seperate list' is on, WIA-Loader will maintain the keywords for this import-step in a seperate list, rather then using the 'global' keyword list.

Grouping pictures by time

An additional feature during import is to group pictures which have been shot within a certain amount of time. The groups will be numbered and their numbers can then be used for the file or folder names (variable <TGROUP>). The value to set here is the maximum time between two pictures within one group. If the time span between two shots is bigger then this value, a new group starts.

Instead of using group-numbers, you can choose to use names with the variable <TGROUPNAME>. If this variable is used, you'll be asked to enter names for all groups before the import starts.

EXIFTool Changes

Phil Harveys ExifTool can be used to change meta-data. I recommend you to use this method instead of WIA-Loaders old EXIF Manipulation step.


There is a number of available EXIF-Operations. You can choose to completely remove EXIF fields, to add a text to the fields 'User-Comment', 'Artist' and 'Copyright holder' or to link your pictures with GPS information (Geocoding, Geotagging).

Caution! This step uses routines from .Net Framework in order to manipulate the EXIF fields. This can have unexpected results, especially with more exotic image formats. The worst case could be damaged images!

DNG Converter

This step converts your RAW images into DNG files using Adobe's DNG Converter.

SaveAs to ftp

You can choose to transfer your pictures to an FTP server. Besides the hostname of the server, you also have to specify a username and a passwort.

Execute Script

Executes an external script or program. In the example below, Googles picasa will be startet after the import is completed. The name of the last imported picture will be handed as parameter.

Creates a simple HTML gallery for the imported pictures.


© 2020 Patrick Mortara